
Category Archives for "gender"

Unveiling Social Inclusion for Low-Income Immigrant Latina Mothers

Diana Cedano published a paper recently situated within the heart of economic and societal challenges. The work – an action research intervention – allowed Latina mothers to acknowledge their economic challenges more fully and work together to acquire agency that left them better off. It’s entitled “I don’t like to ask for charity”: The possibilities […]


A conversation between Mother and Father Earth. We answer the call and unfold into love in Gathering

Blog post by Alex Stubbings ( & Simon Divecha ( Context Cradled in a bio-social farm within the voluptuous Dolomiti mountains – as part of the AR+ Gathering 2023 – we found ourselves at the juicy edges where continental plates collide. Feeling invited into liminal space, we each took to personifying the elemental roles of […]


Welcoming Sujata Khandekar, Founding Director, CORO to AR+

Dr. Sujata Khandekar is the founding director of Community of Resource Organisations (CORO), one of India’s foremost organizations for grassroots leadership and activism. Facilitating grassroots leadership by addressing issues that the community itself identifies is central to Sujata’s vision and CORO’s interventions. Sujata’s work over the past three decades has further led her to explore […]


Muslim Women Disrupting Traditional Gender Discourses with Vina Adriany, Hani Yulindrasari, and Raden Safrina

Drs. Vina Adriany, Hani Yulindrasari, and Raden Safrina are academics from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, a higher education institution in Indonesia. Their research began in frustration. Despite the three scholars’ engagement in doing research on gender in early years, they noticed few changes actually taking place in the field of early childhood education. They adopted feminist […]