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Tag Archives for " action research in education "

Introducing the First Action Research Student Choice Awards

Figure 1 Word cloud formed from key words from 128 ARJ articles

This summer (2017) during an Action Research Plus committee videoconference (AR+, the initiatives enabled through this very www.actionresearchplus.com website), Hilary Bradbury, Dusty Columbia Embury and I hatched the idea of getting my PhD students at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas, involved in engaging action research knowledge through AR+. Even before […]


A review of Lifescaping Practices in School Communities: Implementing Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry. By Rolla E. Lewis & Peg Winkelman, Routledge.

Lifescaping Practices in School Communities

Kenneth Gergen exclaims in the Foreword, “Here Rolla Lewis, Peg Winkelman, and their associates confront the emerging condition with creative daring. They offer… a rational for new forms of action, a new range of challenging practices, and useful applications of their orientation in action…. My deepest hope is that what they share within this work […]


You make the road by walking – Se hace camino al andar

Blog post and original art work by Steve Kroeger A sage expression from Machado’s (1982) selected poems, you make the road by walking (“Se hace camino al andar”), captures the nature of accompaniment in partnership development. In our roles as two high school co-instructors and a university faculty member, we examined what initially brought us […]


You learn from going through the process: The perceptions of South African school leaders about action research

What is the value of action research for motivating change in school principals who work under difficult circumstances?  This was my question.  I was surprised to read the following comment from one of the reviewers of this paper: The main contribution of the paper is its account of how action research can assist school leaders […]