Collogue Webinars 2023
Action Research Transformations: Nurturing Capacity Among ARTists
Since the founding of Action Research journal in 2003, we have had the immodest aim to help recover the promise of social science. Our intent has been to assist the Academy, as well as the public and private sector, in discovering additions and alternatives to heretofore "ivory tower," materialist-positivist research and practice. We continue to extend our conversation. We continue to learn not just to describe the world and its problems, but to help transformation toward a more sustainable world.
Action-oriented Research for Transformations is successful when working to open windows into regenerative/sustainable social practice with those who have a stake in transforming their systems. We see ourselves as part of transformation inside the lineage of science.
The great liberation of Science 1.0 came about as scholarly men - Newton, Descartes, Bacon - sought to dispense with non empirical superstition. We belong in this lineage. We believe that too much is at stake to pretend to remain "objective." We now know that both the inquiry itself, and those who inquire, shape the field of inquiry. We recognize that we need something more than the rules of materialist-positivism.
ART is a practice of Science 2.0. As ARTists we extend the expert-individual "objectivist" paradigm to co-produce transforming-collective practices that also acknowledge inter-subjectivity. In this we're unapologetically values oriented. What's new in ART then is a call to scholar-practitioners to turn the camera also on ourselves and to practice reflexivity/transformative first person action research as we bring a more life enhancing world into being.
In this collogue we are explicitly catalyzing and cradling "Science 2.0." In this we're integrating subjective and objective perspectives. We will investigate and discuss the conditions (cognitive, structural, cultural) which can enable transformational action research. Also, what actions and mechanisms move it forward. We invite conversation starters to share what makes action research meaningful and rewarding for them as faculty and or Action Research practitioners and institutional sponsors.
Wherever you are on your action research journey, we invite you to join in!
Each 90 mins session will highlight issues of capacity building for ART and ARTists. In sharing their stories, examples and data, AR+ members interweave the scholar-practitioner and practitioner scholar perspectives on capacity building.
Our three part interactive collogue is on zoom; it will likely extend to the in-person/hybrid component of the November Gathering.
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