Action researchers Mastoureh Fathi and Rabia Nasimi chose to explore the notion of home for migrants through art practice. They have just published with ARJ: Art practice with migrant women: Three challenges to rediscovering home. They explain the challenges explored in their paper. “What does “home” mean for migrant women? By simply asking “what home […]
Read More...A blog by Danielle Treacy. “In a recent cross-cultural research project that aimed to co-develop music teacher education (, I worked collaboratively with educators in Kathmandu, Nepal. I intentionally used appreciative inquiry to navigate ethical issues related to power and ethnocentrism. Long after the project had ended, unintended consequences and situations caused me feelings of […]
Read More...Do you ever feel tortured by people talking at you. Not talking with you, but at you. Maybe you listen and then you just pretend to listen. Or […]
Read More...We know that ART has a ‘dark side’. ARJ Associate Editors Koen Bartels and Victor Friedman have written an editorial for the latest issue of ARJ about precisely that! Koen and Victor explain: “ART is a complex and demanding process. It demands relational, conceptual and experimental skills not usually taught together in conventional educational programs. […]
Read More...Blog by Dr. Máille Faughnan of Tulane U. The coLAB I write about was an invitation to practice with co-creativity through an ecological lens. We began with choosing a plant companion to share our learning journey. I chose the string of pearls in the photo. The facilitators also shared Suzanne Simard’s research as inspiration, drawing […]