Blog post by Robin A Evans-Agnew and Chris Eberhardt In this project we found that urban youth were able to cut through the arguments about woodsmoke pollution and “grapple” with scientific knowledge and their opinions for policy action. In a region besieged by winter pollution from household woodstoves, pacific-northwest scientists have had little success in […]
Read More...Dr. Alfredo Ortiz Aragón writes: “This article clearly achieves its set purpose of going beyond reporting findings from a PhotoVoice project, to shedding more light on the process through which participants develop critical awareness—drawing significantly from the participants own accounts of their transformative experiences. Echoing comments from one of our reviewers, the examples presented clearly […]
Read More...This paper provides a practical guide to using youth action research to engage “bullying” among high school students It also offers important insights into building partnerships among various stakeholder groups – high school students, university students, and professional researchers – all of whom represent different age-groups, roles, and social statuses. Young people have a lot […]
Read More...This paper focusses on the story of Deer (not her real name), a participant in my Photovoice project with 12 ex-prisoners in South Australia. People who have been to prison rarely have the opportunity to tell their stories in their own words. In particular, women ex-prisoners tend to remain silent about their experiences because of […]
Read More...Increasingly, children are seen as social actors who are knowledgeable about issues that concern their lives, both in research and policymaking. However, this approach is not without challenges, particularly in relation to sensitive topics like poverty. One key challenge relates to how to involve children effectively so that their stories are actually listened to and […]