How to do Action Research Transformations at a time of Eco-social Crisis!
Module 1 - Available For Free To All!
Welcome to the ART self-paced program:
How to do Action Research Transformations
at a time of Eco-social Crisis!
Action Research for Transformations (ART) wants societal learning to happen at scale. It is designed for our epoch of eco-social crisis.
ART is foremost about seeing our web of connections, so that we take action together to help needed transformations happen.
This program is animated by the belief that many more ARTist-citizens are needed all over the world. For this education, formal and informal, must be reimagined to support self and society, citizen, and community in win-win creativity. This is the kind of co-creativity that brings personal and sustainable development together. Knowledge creation is therefore lifelong.
In Module 1 you meet the ART metamodel which includes the seven quality choicepoints around which the following modules are designed. Given the personal quality of our work, it may not be a surprise that you include yourself when you think about which stakeholders to engage.
Share your wisdom
ARTistry is a journey of transformative learning as much as a tangible destination. We too, and the program, are transforming.
As you progress on your journey we ask you to share resources and insights that may help others. In this way you enrich the ART program as it grows to be a community offering.
Once fully registered you may return as often as you wish by using the dedicated "login” tab.
NOTE: As you work through the full program, mark each element complete to avail of the certificate of participation.