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Tag Archives for " youth participatory action research "

Practicing YPAR for School Equity

Group of a dozen middle school students in a classroom

Blog post by Quin Gonell Given my prior experience as high school teacher engaging with culturally sustaining and emancipatory pedagogies, it was only natural that I should find appeal in frameworks that make methods of knowledge creation accessible to youth. Thus, as early as my second semester as a doctoral student I became interested in […]


Embracing problems, processes, and contact zones: Using youth participatory action research to challenge adultism

Abstract provided on behalf of the author, Genia M Bettencourt In the United States, adultism creates dynamics in which youth are oppressed and their experiences dismissed. Youth participatory action research (YPAR), a research method and theoretical construct, provides one forum through which to challenge adultism by providing youth with voice and input. Such an approach contrasts […]


Collaborative inquiry: Youth, social action, and critical qualitative research

What can youth teach us about research and social action? Our work with youth engaged in a participatory action research (YPAR) and multi-literacies afterschool seminar has led us to focus on the legacy of participatory action research as a way to reimagine the teaching of critical qualitative research. In this article, we discuss strategies developed and […]


Children Without A Voice

Children without a voice

A blog inspired by The voices of youth in foster care: A participant action research study.; Ponciano, Leslie DEC 2013 Vol.11, Issue 4. 428,000 children are in foster care today. Despite their numbers, these children rarely have a voice, due to their status as minors within an already marginalized group. In the article, The voices of youth […]