AR+ supports Action Researchers for Transformations in our time of eco-social crisis.

We are leader-learners who help transformations happen... in communities of education, healthcare, government, development ...

Recent Posts

Call for papers on research culture
Ā Joanna Wheeler, Katherine Collins, Micol Pizzolati and Tetsu Hirasawa, assocaite editors at Action Research journal, are organising a Special Issue[...]
Action Research and Spirituality. Podcast on ResponsAbility with Hilary Bradbury
Hilary Bradbury is in conversation with Michael Michael Noah Weiss and Guro Hansen Helskog on their podcast ResponsAbility. Hilary writes:[...]
In Memoriam Professor Md. Anisur Rahman: The Guru of Gonogobeshona, people’s research.
By Babul Chandra Sutradhar, Human rights activist and researcher, Bangladesh. On January 5, Professor Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman left for[...]
Podcast with Tomas Boatwright on documenting community transformation
In this Yes/And podcast, Hilary Bradbury interviews Dr. Tomas Boatwright.Ā  Tomas is a passionate educator and social science researcher. Currently,[...]
An action research book for wary educators
Saba Ahmed has published The Untapped Potential of Action Research Saba Ahmed is a lecturer teaching healthcare management and working[...]
Let The Music Play Me – Reflections on Constructivist Adult Development coLAB Chopsticks to Titanic, Susanna Carman
At 21, I graduated with a degree in Geology, where I was introduced to "deep time," a concept coined by[...]
Accessible, common and powerful: Our developmentally highest selfs. Simon Divecha writesā€¦
Throughout this yearā€™s Action Research Plus coLAB,Ā  Leadership as Developmental Friendship, weā€™ve continued exploring other ways of knowing and being.[...]
Getting Existential IS the creative path to life. Hilary Bradbury on developmentalist conversation
We'd convened for months. And then came our final Constructivist Adult Development coLAB session AKA From Chopsticks to Tchaikovsky: Developing[...]

Action Research for Transformations

What is ART?
Let's start at the very beginning...

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What is Action Research?

What is ART?
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Let's start at the very beginning...


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Action Research

"I want to express my strong gratitude for your work at AR+.  I have been reflecting on the changes that appeared in me-myself as a result of the action research I've done. What a big personal discovery!  I humbly aspire to submit an article about it, with results, for the Action Research journal. Our work accords well with the climate change transformations agenda. Thank you very much! "

- Mariia Ermilova. Chiba Uni.
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AR+ Foundation is a U.S. registered 'not for profit' organization (501.c.3).

Your donation may be tax deductible. We will use it to provide scholarships and sponsorships. We promise to use donations well and to keep you in the loop! 

Questions and/or Feedback Contact Hilary Bradbury - Hilary is Convener and CEO at AR+. 

Our ambition at AR+ is to connect and support Action Researchers for Transformation.

We are in service of ever expanding circles of self development within education-, politics-, business-, relationships.

We promote pragmatic scholarly practice through our engagement as agents and subjects of transformation.

Our aspiration is that more of us ARTists will revitalize more of our social institutions.