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Tag Archives for " PAR "

Listen in – Participatory Action Research – Feminist Trailblazers Podcast

Post by Patricia Maguire, PAR-FEM Podcast host Streaming now – the 12th episode of the podcast Participatory Action Research Feminist Trailblazers and Good Troublemakers. Listen to Caribbean feminists Peggy Antrobus, Norma Shorey, and Chris Ashton. This episode showcases their commitments to feminist and participatory values and processes in the initial Women and Development Unit (WAND), […]


Action research with street-based sex workers

By Marta Graça Some years ago, during my trainee as a social worker, I worked in harm reduction with sex workers and people who inject drugs. I became sensitive to the lack of participation of sex workers in the design, implementation and evaluation of social and health services, in the academic research, and/or in the sociopolitical debate […]


Research translation through participatory research: The case of two community-based projects in low-income African settings

blogpost written by Deborah Isobell Imagine the amount of funding that research projects receive every year. Not just nationally, but globally. Now take a moment to think about the knowledge generated from that research. Is it being used to its full potential to change peoples’ lived experiences? In instances where the application of research-derived knowledge […]