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Transformation 2017. Aug/Sep Conference on Actioning Climate Change Scholarship

Climate Change TRANSFORMATIONS IN PRACTICE Where: Dundee, Scotland When: Aug 28-Sep 2, 2017 The overarching theme of this conference is ‘sustainability transformations in practice’. Important advances about transformation across different disciplines are already emerging, such as from the arts, humanities, social science and different scientific fields, including social-ecological resilience research, social-technological transitions research, development studies, […]


The Importance of the Second Loop in Educational Technology: An Action Science study of introducing blogging in a course curriculum

Integrating new Internet based technologies into the classroom will be a major, ongoing task for educators over the coming years.  The readable/writable web changes our relationships with information along with the traditional student/teacher relationships.  In the  The Importance of the Second Loop in Educational Technology:  An Action Science study of introducing blogging in a course […]