Eco-Relational Meditation coLAB for ARTists
Co-Stewards: Ilaria DiStefano, Serge Prengel, Hilary Bradbury
... Tuesdays at 16.00 UTC, i.e., Noon New York, 5PM London.
Hilary and Serge, who lead the weekly AR+ eco-relational meditations, catch up about their purpose as they invite others to join in. Andrea also shares her experience as we explore - and include- more awareness of personal, relational, and systemic spaces...
Logistics for coLAB
Save 45-60 minutes for these weekly relational meditations. On Tuesdays. UTC 17.00. On Zoom. Once registered below, you will get a calendar invite. There is light touch guidance. We change up the types of meditation and most importantly you are invited to sit in your own way. Register to receive the call in information.
Co-creativity flows from relational meditation.
Ilaria writes in reflection on our previous coLAB:
"Using the pronoun we, I honor the voices of the participants and our shared experience. With my heart full of gratitude for the fellow relational meditators who joined us, the beautiful field that was co-created over the weeks, and the extraordinarily generative space which is AR+, my words feel like a celebration of our journey together.
At our sessions, first through noble silence practicing different meditations in stillness, and sometimes with (gentle) movement, we cultivated attunement to the “I” space, the “We” space, and the “space between us.”
We practiced centering ourselves, first, and from a centered presence, connecting with others. From this opening to the broader field of awareness. Inquiring into our personal and shared experience of “now,” we co-created beautiful relational poems, completed creative inquiries, metaphorically dancing together within the present moment of interdependence.
We also struggled with, and giggled about, how difficult it can be to be present to oneself without losing the connection with others, and to be present to others without losing the connection with oneself. And we were amazed at how generative such moments of communion can be. In our shared presence, (sometimes with lawn-mowers outside our windows while simultaneously Tibetan bells were ringing the sacredness of our practice), inner revelations, mutual support, and creativity could manifest abundantly.
We were surprised by the learning about ourselves that emerged in the practice, and by how those could change our being in relation with others. We were touched by the level of an unfamiliar but comfortable kind of intimacy and group coherence that is created by meditating together for so brief a time. It was a wonderful way of knowing and caring for each other.
After each session, we could each go back to our day inspired, nourished, and engaged by our experience, wishing for that to ripple out in other relationships and co-creations."
Co-inquiry at the heart of co-creativity
AR+ offers this meditation space so it's accessible regardless of your familiarity or practice with mindfulness.
Imagine then…what difference could it make to begin your next group meeting with a brief relational meditation?
In the calamities we are living through, it is essential and urgent for us to nurture our capacity for centeredness, deep human connection, and co-creativity. Relational meditation is a wonderful way to do so.
From our gratitude and appreciation for our practice together, emerged the desire to extend the invitation to relational meditation to everyone involved in collaborative endeavors. This coLAB provides a space for the practice of transforming human relational darkness into light. We learn about co-creativity through practice together. We liberate through welcoming, along with our joys and appreciations, those shadow parts of us so easily triggered in relationship.
We are stimulated by the creative potential of the practice, curious about new experiments that might integrate different kinds of relational meditation, and about their application for innovation in our environments.
Steered more by silence than thought (for once!), we remind ourselves - In a circle of likeminded/ kindminded friends - that without knowing our own embodied truth there can be no sustainable creativity. We also remember that without humor there may be no point.
Our invitation is to those who are up for:
- practicing integrated intelligence as a mindful, heartful and artful scholar-practitioner;
- co-inquiring at your developmental edge into the (dis)connection between your creative purpose and your co-creative accomplishments;
- unveiling, exploring, and getting muddy at the junction of how we practice power, caring and mutuality;
- experimenting with more (re)generative and integrated ways of practicing empowering dialogue;
- experiencing more choicefulness, connection and stakeholder satisfaction in transformative co-creation...
We invite you to use this link to register your space here.