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What is Action Research?

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What is Action Research?

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Action Research Transformations (ART) is...

Contemporary participatory action research;
Weaving objectivity and subjectivity, action and reflection, theory and praxis;

In relationship with stakeholders to bring learning and tangible change at
a time of eco-social crisis.

ART complements conventional, positivist methods. It’s pragmatic and constructivist.  ARTists are both agents and subjects of transformation. 

ART helps transformations happen!

Vision/mission of AR+

Our ambition at AR+ is to connect and support Action Researchers for Transformation.

We are in service of ever expanding circles of self development within education-, politics-, business-, relationships.

We operate as a sociocracy to promote pragmatic scholarly practice through our engagement as agents and subjects of transformation.

Our aspiration is that more of us who practice ART will revitalize our social institutions.

Vocabulary Pitstop


So what is ART?! We think this sums it up: ART is contemporary, participatory action research.


An ARTist is one who practices ART. They are change-leaders and/or educators, seeking to bring more action to their research or more inquiry to their activism. An ARTist is both an agent and subject of transformation; they turn the camera around on themselves, as they work to bring benefit to the external world.


AR+ coLABs foster friendly, person-centered spaces as dynamos of good ART.

Short for coLABoratorships, coLABs invite participants to bring their leadership to the collaborative spirit of action research with special attention to cultivating the conditions in which self and community can be creative together.

Think of a coLAB as a community of inquiry and practice that invites and supports participants to develop capacity with other ARTists in various domains, from education, healthcare, to sustainable organizing. 


Action Research Pages

Action Research Papers

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Join a coLAB today!

The Relational Meditation always welcomes newcomers! Other coLABs gather in spring.


Curated Resource Pages

Quality articles on explorations in Action Research projects.


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