Listen in – Participatory Action Research – Feminist Trailblazers Podcast

Post by Patricia Maguire, PAR-FEM Podcast host

Streaming now – the 12th episode of the podcast Participatory Action Research Feminist Trailblazers and Good Troublemakers. Listen to Caribbean feminists Peggy Antrobus, Norma Shorey, and Chris Ashton. This episode showcases their commitments to feminist and participatory values and processes in the initial Women and Development Unit (WAND), University of the West Indies and its Rose Hall Participatory Research Project. They discuss their critique of Caribbean governments’ structural adjustment policies. They wrap up with why feminist-informed participatory action research matters. Lots of project how-to details.–Norma-Shorey—Chris-Ashton—Caribbean-Feminisms–WAND—PAR-e262qrq/a-aa2ttsv

On the PAR FEM podcast series, we have in-depth conversations with feminist participatory and action research trailblazers about their successes and struggles bringing feminist values and ways of being to PAR. We discuss their insights for the future of a PAR intentionally informed by intersectional feminisms and connected to PAR’s radical roots. We discuss what brought them to PAR and feminisms.

Check out our companion website for podcast transcripts, additional guest info, and a growing section of Resources for PAR & Intersectional Feminisms.

Listen to earlier episodes with Marjorie Mbilinyi, Renu Khanna, Brinton Lykes and Brisna Caxaj, Sujata Khandekar and Mumtaz Shaikh, David Greenwood, Margarita Antonio & Deborah Barndt, Marie Brennan, Michelle Fine Cheryl Wilkins and María Elena Torre, Nandita Bhatt & Rajesh Tandon on Martha Farrell, and Alice McIntyre. ttps://