
Category Archives for "research justice"

Basque Sandbox. Gender in Collaborative Governance with Dr. Miren Larrea

Our new sandbox in the Orkestra partnership with AR+ is the result of a series of processes that have been evolving very organically since 2018 This partnership began to emerge in alchemical / developmental friendship as  Hilary Bradbury and Miren Larrea reflected on  reconceptualizing the role of gender in action research as a process of […]


An introduction to radical participatory design: decolonising participatory design processes

Victor Udoewa writes, by way of introducing a new paper on radical participatory design: “Outside of community-led design projects, most participatory design processes initiated by a company or organisation maintain or even strengthen power imbalances between the design organisation and the community on whose purported behalf they are designing, further increasing the absencing experience. Radical […]