
Category Archives for "Convener’s Corner"

Action Research Healthcare in Sweden. Happier Patients, Lower Costs, Higher Quality

Action Research Healthcare in Sweden - Hilary Bradbury

Steve Waddell interviews Hilary Bradbury about a recent study she published with Svante Lifvergren, MD., Ph.D. It describes one of the best elaborated examples of action research in healthcare which Svante has been shepherded in Sweden for over a decade to great success. The transformative approach described boils down to continuous innovation in healthcare, shaped […]


A review of Lifescaping Practices in School Communities: Implementing Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry. By Rolla E. Lewis & Peg Winkelman, Routledge.

Lifescaping Practices in School Communities

Kenneth Gergen exclaims in the Foreword, “Here Rolla Lewis, Peg Winkelman, and their associates confront the emerging condition with creative daring. They offer… a rational for new forms of action, a new range of challenging practices, and useful applications of their orientation in action…. My deepest hope is that what they share within this work […]


Relational Action Inquiry as the Trump Talk: Crossing the Gender Rubicon in the USA election

We’ve arrived at the river. The riverbank of the of the Gender Rubicon. The Rubicon is the US election tomorrow and, more importantly, civilizations’s decision about the role of patriarchy in the 21st Century. We get to choose between a bully who brags about grabbing pussy and throwing out the foreigners — his self description