
Category Archives for "action research"

Accidental Ethnography (AccE): A Method for Practitioner-based Education Research

What is AccE? Pronounced “Ax-y,” it is a novel way to think about research, but one that is founded on many principals of existing models of inquiry.  As action researchers know, deep learning happens when “doing the work.” However, many practitioners-cum-new researchers in graduate school are rarely supported in sharing hard-earned lessons with the wider […]


Community intervention in urban areas: a youth driven initiative (CIUA)

Young people have something to say about degraded urban areas. They in fact have innovative ideas that can be applied to specific situations of urban degradation. When creativity related to artistic practice can be connected to innovative thinking, there may be important changes that can be accomplished. This article explores examples of youth intervention in […]


How being appreciative creates change – theory in practice from health and social care in Scotland

Image of a house with the words

Appreciative Inquiry has been readily caricatured as slavishly focusing on the positive. Here we invite you to revisit it in the form of Appreciative Action Research (AAR). How can we have genuine hope as we seek to work through the major challenges confronting organisations and communities? How do we avoid the ‘ritual dance of attack […]


AR+ Co-labs survey: Doing more good together

Action Research Cookbook

AR+ co-labs foster friendly, person-centered spaces — AKA communities of practice — as dynamos of good action research for different domains: education, healthcare, inter-personal relationship, sustainable organizing. As the AR+ collective gets ready to launch our Cookbook (Cooking with Action Research: Stories and Resources for Self and Community Transformation), we invite you to read the […]


Participatory action research in a rural Yucatec Maya community

Different initiatives have promoted the use of improved cook stoves around the world. Their goal has been to eradicate cooking over open flame inside dwellings because it is associated with health problems, inefficient resource use and greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these improved cook stoves initiatives depend heavily on expert-generated solutions, treating users as mere […]

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