Dusty Columbia Embury

Author Archives: Dusty Columbia Embury

Columbia Embury www.wright.edu

Designing healthcare in collaboration

Healthcare systems of today face many challenges. At the core of these stands the care systems’ capability to improve or even transform services to fulfill the growing needs of the citizens. Strong professionals who influence the development of healthcare services have dominated healthcare organizations for many years. However, an increasing number of reports show that […]


Can a process of participatory video be a way to increase the capabilities of young participants?

To what extent an engagement of eleven young Spanish participants in an audio-visual PAR process can expand their capacity to be agents of change? In the recently published paper Analysing participatory video through the capability approach. A case study in Quart de Poblet (Valencia, Spain) we address those questions using, for our analysis, the capability […]


Accidental Ethnography (AccE): A Method for Practitioner-based Education Research

What is AccE? Pronounced “Ax-y,” it is a novel way to think about research, but one that is founded on many principals of existing models of inquiry.  As action researchers know, deep learning happens when “doing the work.” However, many practitioners-cum-new researchers in graduate school are rarely supported in sharing hard-earned lessons with the wider […]


Community intervention in urban areas: a youth driven initiative (CIUA)

Young people have something to say about degraded urban areas. They in fact have innovative ideas that can be applied to specific situations of urban degradation. When creativity related to artistic practice can be connected to innovative thinking, there may be important changes that can be accomplished. This article explores examples of youth intervention in […]


Communicative space and the emancipatory interests of action research

So, imagine someone asking you this question: “what does communicative space look like?” No, not what is it? You can find that answer quickly enough in the nearest reference section. But, what does it look like? And would you know it, when you see it? In a nutshell, that’s the question that I am following […]

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