Specia Issue about Action Research – Production Planning & Control Journal

Operations Management is regarded as a problem-solving oriented discipline focused on creating new knowledge by interacting with practitioners. Many claim that there is a need to increase the practical relevance of Operations Management research in academia to support practitioners in their real problem-solving efforts. That would mean moving away from the academic Ivory tower syndrome, since research with a management component published in top-rated journals is frequently considered irrelevant for practitioners. This may also be due to the fact that the decision environment of the real-world operations manager is not usually driven just by quantitative elements susceptible to mathematical modeling.

A team of four guest editors, who are intensively involved in research projects linking the industry needs and academia, are launching a Special Issue focused on Action Research for the Production Planning & Control journal.

Our aim is to promote rigorous Action Research that could bridge the gap between academia and practice. In fact, Action Research is a way to promote research that stems from industrial need and can guide the activities of managers and future researchers. If this Special Issue direct research that addresses industry, it is performing a useful function.

The Special Issue should provide new insights that could enlighten academics and practitioners by answering the following research question:

How to ensure success when it comes to an Action Research project on Operations Management, especially regarding the fulfillment of the required:
– Theoretical novelty
– Research rigor
– Practical relevance und usefulness
– Applicability of the findings in other situations

We invite the submission of manuscripts that could provide valuable insights by answering to the proposed research question. A list of potential topics can be found in the detailed description of the call for papers:

Note: The selected image is by Sonya Terborg – downloaded from the open access web: https://sonyaterborg.com/2016/02/17/action-research/