
Category Archives for "Methods Innovation"

Spiritual Midwifing on a virtual, global platform. Crowther et al, 2021.

Dr. Susan Crowther’s and colleagues’ article describes how they employ cooperative inquiry (CI) –  a participatory action research (PAR) methodology – to explore and examine the topic ‘spirituality and childbirth’. CI originates in the work of Peter Reason and John Heron.  But it got an update! Susan explains: “We introduce an exciting innovation outlining how […]


Participatory action research with Aboriginal Elders: Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort project

Aboriginal Elders from Perth

Collaborative, relational, participatory and reflexive research is not straightforward or easily achieved and this paper is insightful for its reflections on the challenges we experienced. It does not shy away from detailing some of the frustrations and misunderstandings experienced by the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal project members. Ultimately however, we would argue that non-Aboriginal researchers must expect a level of discomfort if they are committed to transformative practices that support Aboriginal peoples’ self-determination.  


The Beginning is never the beginning: Co-producing action research space

Abstract provided on behalf of the author: Hilde Refstie It is often difficult to identify when a particular research project begins. Action research, for example, is often presented as emanating from a group of participants without it necessarily being revealed how a particular research constellation came into existence. Stakeholder analyses are presented, but relatively few […]