
Category Archives for "AR Practice"

Tensions in communication – teachers and academic facilitators in a critical friendship

Blog post by Marie-Helene Zimmerman Nilsson Action research is often characterized by successful outcomes based on collaboration with people with a willingness to change. So, when a top-town decided project was planned in cooperation with the university and a school with a low level of achievement – it would have been easy to say ”no […]


Next Generation Universities – Oguz Baburoglu, Ph.D

Oguz Baburoglu

Oguz Baburoglu, Ph.D., is best known for bringing large numbers of citizens together to reinvent democracy using Future Search Conferences. First to bring this participatory constitution-making initiative as an intervention to Turkey, here he speaks about what is necessary for the successful realization of large-scale action research in polarized political contexts. Our conversation starts with […]


Developing learning diaries for action research on healthcare management in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda

Abstract on behalf of Comfort Mshelia, Gillian Lê, Tolib Mirzoev, Samuel Amon, Ambrose Kessy, Sebastian Olikira Baine, and Reinhard Huss Action research (AR) can be an effective form of ‘on the job’ training. However, it is critical that AR cycles can be appropriately recorded in order to contribute to reflection and learning. One form of recording is for co-researchers to keep […]


Research translation through participatory research: The case of two community-based projects in low-income African settings

blogpost written by Deborah Isobell Imagine the amount of funding that research projects receive every year. Not just nationally, but globally. Now take a moment to think about the knowledge generated from that research. Is it being used to its full potential to change peoples’ lived experiences? In instances where the application of research-derived knowledge […]

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