A New World Map

– being curious with a sense of meaning, I have done action research all my life. Now 64, it only dawned on me that it was in fact first-person-action research when I received Judi Marshall’s book with the same title. My field is not management but applied live spirituality. I am now looking to draw my work together for a book proposal which is not easy as there are several angles that could be useful (see my papers linked):
– narrative analysis (of 200 biographical field notes)
– anthropology underpinning deep person-centred mental health social work
– psychodrama as an educational tool in the context of globalisation vs isolation
– Higher Education, philosophy of same
– spirituality and ethics – vs religion;
– 12-step-philosophy and AS-traits

Well, I may not be able to cover all in the next 20 years, so where do I start?

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