Starting March 12 coLAB: From Chopsticks to Tchaikovsky: Developing repertoire for personal and systems resilience at a time of planetary crisis.
NEW coLAB starting: March 12th, 2024 and second Tuesdays thereafter at 08.30 Universal Time, 75-90 mins.
We invite you to join a Global coLAB in support of your work inĀ advancing adult development at personal, group and systems-cultural levels. This cohort of busy action researchers is stepping further into developmental friendship at a time of consciousness of planetary crisis elevating around the globe. This coLAB combines the practice of constructivist adult developmental assessment with the spirit of participative action research. Our aspiration is that participants feel helped in recognizing the profound relevance of adult development to their lives and personal/professional challenges. We encourage participants to make safe experiments and make assessments available at minimal cost longside one-on-one coaching to help your transformations happen!
Details and registration at this link: