
Category Archives for "Peace and Conflict Transformation"

Bridging the territory between me, we, and living E(arth)! What we love about six explorations into AR for sustainability

Bridging the territory between me, we, and living E(arth)!What we love about six explorations into AR for sustainability The three of us  – Marina Apgar, Alfredo Ortiz Aragón & Paul Gray, associate editors, Action Research Journal (ARJ) – were recently given an opportunity to work together to deepen our understanding and share more broadly how […]


You defend what you feel: ‘Presencing’ nature as ‘experiential knowing’

Click to watch Hilary Bradbury interview Gioel Gioacchino about her work. Newly minted PhD., Gioel Gioacchino, writes about a youth-led action research process carried out in Cuba. Their action research supported a network of youth to champion sustainability in a country that is simultaneously more “sustainable” in an ecological sense than most countries, but with […]


T-Labs and climate change narratives: Co-researcher qualities in transgressive action-research

Blog post by Thomas Macintyre In my birth home of New Zealand, the symbol of the Koru—the spiral—is a powerful metaphor for transformation. On the one hand, the Koru represents creation with the unfurling fern representing movement and expansion. On the other hand, the inner coil of the Koru, with its rolled inner leaflets, suggests […]


Reshaping Our World: Collaborating with Children for Community-based Climate Change Action

In a sense, children have the most to lose from an unsustainable planet. Yet, because of the passive role that society usually assigns to them, children often have the least control over their environmental future. Carlie Trott addressed this lack of environmental empowerment among the young through ART research with her PAR collaboration with 10-12 […]