
Category Archives for "health research"

“Difficult paths can be less difficult if patients and nurses walk together…”

This research emerged from the need of a group of nurses in improving the care of people with chronic disease, specifically patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. Despite the professionals’ effort, they were not satisfied with the results of their clients because lots of them had difficulty in controlling their diabetes as well as integrating […]


Designing healthcare in collaboration

Healthcare systems of today face many challenges. At the core of these stands the care systems’ capability to improve or even transform services to fulfill the growing needs of the citizens. Strong professionals who influence the development of healthcare services have dominated healthcare organizations for many years. However, an increasing number of reports show that […]


Partner development praxis: The use of transformative communication spaces in a community-academic participatory action research effort in a Mexican ethnic enclave in Chicago

“It’s about changing the way we DO public health” explained a community partner in describing the Little Village Participatory Community Health Assessment (LVCHA). “This IS public health” offered a student partner using a well known slogan from the American Public Health Association to broaden what we think is public health and name non-traditional activities. The LVCHA […]


Giving ‘power to the people’ in a Nigerian hospital: From evaluation OVER to evaluation WITH stakeholders

Giving ‘power to the people’ in a Nigerian hospital: From evaluation over to evaluation with stakeholders This paper is a clear account of my transformation as a researcher alongside the positive impact I had on those I worked with in performing an evaluation in the healthcare sector in Nigeria. My journey from erstwhile more quantitatively […]


Health Companion Project: A community-based participatory research model for health promotion in Iran

stethoscope with Iranian flag

“This paper addresses the great potential of using CBPR for health promotion, inspired by experiences from Iran. The case presents a four-year long participative process, the ambition of which was to identify, prioritise and address key health issues in various communities in Iran (Dr. Svante Lifvergren, Associate Editor). We conducted a 4-year (2008–2011) community-based participatory […]