Dissent – Valerie Louis

Lately I have been thinking  about dissent.  I learned about dissent as a concept from my work with A Small Group, a civic engagement group, in Cincinnati, Ohio.  The group practices a six conversation model.  The first is an invitation, the second is the possibility conversation, the third is the ownership conversation, and the fourth […]


Centering on our Values and Strengthening the Core posted by Mary Brydon-Miller

I often use the metaphor of dance or yoga when I introduce the idea of using self-reflection in order to examine how our values inform our practice as action researchers. Both dance and yoga emphasize the importance of centering–drawing attention to the core muscles that support the body and finding a position of balance.  They also stress strengthening these core […]


How much can action research “teach” ESL/EFL teaching? by Juanjuan Zhao

I’ve been following Larry Ferlazzo’s blog for a while. He is a prolifc blogger and an outstanding educator in teaching English as second/foreign language. He has his second book,English Language Learners:Teaching Strategies That Work published by Linworth Publishing in April, 2010. In the introduction, he explains parts of the “Organizing Cycle”: Building Strong Relationship with […]


A Psalm for the People of the Earth – Alan Wight

Praise the Gods and the Universes,             Technological curiosity of radio signals 100,000,000 light years away, Praise the stars and sun so near,             Praise the galaxies and in-between interstellar spaces,                         Praise the atoms, atums, and adams, Praise it all with voices and violins,                         With flutes, bongo beat-drums, and aboriginal didgeridoos, […]