DIYbio and Action Research

Blog post by Stefano Golinelli Do-it-yourself biology (DIYbio), or biohacking, refers to a set of techniques used to transform biotechnological experimentations into a worthwhile pursuit for lay citizens. Its representations in the media often revolve around the much hyped and unsettling image of unaccompanied youngsters cracking the code of life in their garage. Our paper, instead, […]


MAGLab: Co-creating Our Way Forward Toward Justice

Maglab - Co-creating

By: Elissa Perry, MFA In 2011 Management Assistance Group (MAG) http://www.managementassistance.org  began conceiving of a Network Leadership Innovation Lab as a practice for learning about and developing leadership in movement networks. From the get-go, we knew that learning about and developing leadership capacity for this context was about co-creation and shared meaning-making with movement network […]