Dusty Columbia Embury

Author Archives: Dusty Columbia Embury

Columbia Embury www.wright.edu

Active Ageing in the nursing home: could participatory action research provide the answer?

Dr. Svante Lifvergren writes of our work, ““An ageing population with more citizens suffering from multiple diseases is putting increasing pressure on the healthcare system. To meet these challenges, it is imperative to invite elderly to co-create new structures and processes together with the care provider to transform the care system. “Active ageing” seeks to […]



Blog post by Jasmine Lambert     “practivist [prak-ti-vist] :a person who works in a professional manner, or regularly does an skill or activity that requires practice, to support causes they care about” An Ideal Professional During a recent event (called “Deans’ seminar”) at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS), we (current […]


Research translation through participatory research: The case of two community-based projects in low-income African settings

blogpost written by Deborah Isobell Imagine the amount of funding that research projects receive every year. Not just nationally, but globally. Now take a moment to think about the knowledge generated from that research. Is it being used to its full potential to change peoples’ lived experiences? In instances where the application of research-derived knowledge […]

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