ARJ impact triples

We’re delighted to announce that the impact factor for ARJ has risen. Impact factor is a measure of how much a journal is read – downloaded – cited. It tripled over the past couple of years.

This rise coincides with the ARJ editorial team’s commitment to develop and publish action research for transformations at a time of eco-social crisis.

There is a  team of Associate Editors making it happen: Drs. Marina Apgar, Felix Bivens, Hilary Bradbury, Maria Teresa Castillo Burguete, Cherese Childers-McKee, Dusty Columbia Embury, Simon Divecha, Victor Friedman, Kent Glenzer, Hsiao-Chuan Hsia, Sofia Kjellström, Hok (Ben) Ku, Miren Larrea, Melissa Parenti, James Traeger, Rob Warwick and Joanna Wheeler.

We recently said a fond goodbye to Dr. Alfredo Ortiz. We bid an equally fond welcome to Drs. Koen Bartels, Chris Riedy and Julia Wittmayer who have just joined the crew.

We’re excited about what’s next. We’re wanting more synergy between ARJ and the AR+ community. Maybe that’s webinars around special issues. Or video-interviews between associate editors and authors as articles are polished before publication. And you know what else. That is to say, if you have ideas please let us know with an email.

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