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Tag Archives for " participatory research "

Reflections on an insightful, yet challenging, quantitative observation method

Think about action research for a minute. Can you name action research studies that have drawn upon quantitative methods? Personally, I can’t name more than one or two. In fact, although several specialized handbooks suggest that action research is not reserved to qualitative researchers, the use of quantitative methods is limited, and reflections on this […]


How different approaches to taking pictures influences participation in a photovoice project

Abstract on behalf of Katherine Bendell and John Sylvestre Photovoice involves participants using cameras to document their thoughts and experiences related to an important theme in their everyday lives. Photovoice places the critical data collection tool, a camera, in the control of the participants themselves. Thus, the knowledge that is generated from a photovoice project […]


Involving incarcerated individuals in the research process: Perspectives of key stakeholders

Abstract on behalf of Mark E Johnson, Christiane Brems, Michael E Mills, and Gloria D Eldridge Given the considerable potential for participatory action research in correctional settings, this study gathered stakeholders’ perspectives on involving adults in custody throughout the research process. Using mixed methods, the study identified participants’ level of interest in involving prisoners in […]