Co-Lab Human Vertical Development. DOLCE Co-lab. September start.

Convening Cohort 2.0. September 2018 start. DOLCE is a space for peer inquiry/practice with “adult vertical development.”

The science of constructivist adult developmental theory (AKA Vertical Development) is at an unprecedented level of popularity, applied in organizations worldwide and taught and written about in many contexts. The most popular teachers and theorists are Bill Torbert, Susanne Cook-Greuter, Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. Terri O’Fallon and Theo Dawson have made significant contributions to the field, along with Don Beck and his work with Spiral Dynamics.

Our cohort is aimed at applying the theory to our own scaffolding efforts and to make it more practical and accessible to educators and coaches who are active  in cultivating leadership capabilities with their students and clients.

Vertical Development

The intention of the Co-lab is to  continue shaping our learning into curriculum to be shared beyond us. In between our online sessions we will suggest readings & learning experiments to each other and have a dedicated online space to interact and capture learning and insights that happen in between our meetings. We limit the size of the cohort to 12.  We believe that this co-lab works best when all involved…read more here and let us know of your interest in joining the information/organization session on July 2…