
Category Archives for "Justice, Equity, and Inclusion"

Confronting espoused theories with theories-in-use: Challenges of participatory action research with marginalized communities in contributing to social change and theory building

How to counteract hundreds of years of ethnic stigmatization and exclusion that lead to marginalization and segregation for many? How can participatory action research (PAR) contribute to working against social exclusion? In this paper, we reflect on a PAR process conducted in partnership with segregated Roma communities in Hungary where local middle-class researcher-activists and stigmatized, […]


Participation in co-design: In search of a recipe for improved cookstoves in urban Indian slums

In 2015 we set to explore methods of breaking down the conventional dichotomies of ‘givers’ and ‘receivers’, ‘developers’ and ‘underdeveloped’, ‘experts’ and ‘users who need to be taught‘. The context of exploration? Urban Indian slums. The central actors? Residents of slums, designers and engineers, and us, the researchers. Main topic? Reducing indoor air pollution, designing […]


Teacher Participatory Action Research (TPAR): Politicizing Teacher Research

Image of three legged stool. The seat is labeled TPAR. The legs are labeled left to right with the following phrases: Marginalization of teachers, Teacher action research project(s), and analysis of context.

These are difficult times for teachers, particularly those in urban and/or low-income schools. Unfortunately, we seldom hear directly from them in conventional education research. To help them tell their stories, I partnered with a group of veteran, insightful, and knowledgeable teachers for two years of action research. These dedicated teachers (with a combined 110 years […]

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