Introducing ARJ Community blog: We come in partnership! – Hilary Bradbury Huang, Editor in Chief Action Research Journal (ARJ)
The editorial board of the SAGE Action Research Journal ( has teamed up with colleagues at the Action Research Center at the University of Cincinnati to develop the ARJ Community Blog. Our purpose is to both connect journal readers to the issues and from there to encourage new concerns and directions to emerge.
The ARJ community comprises the women and men all over the world who work as action research scholar practitioners (or who wish they did)! We are –more and less—loosely connected through the international, peer reviewed SAGE journal “Action Research.”
What makes our work fundamental to the revitalization of social research more generally lies in its orientation towards taking action, its reflexivity, the significance of its impacts and that it evolves from partnership and participation.
By getting to know each other better, we hope to work together more effectively to develop and share the Action Research orientation to knowledge as it increasingly becomes a viable alternative to conventional social science. As such we see our efforts as sharing about models for increasing the relevance of conventional social research to wider society.