
Category Archives for "Handbook Companion"

Inquiry capabilities and preferences for navigating full cycle action research

‘I see where you’re coming from’ – By: Yoland Wadsworth In the following four vignettes are just some of the familiar challenges of attempting to inquire ‘full cycle’ together from ‘how things are’ to ‘how things could  be better’ to trialling, refining and ultimately routinizing practice in ‘how we now do things round here’, until the […]


Participatory Action Research as a process of sharing life

Dr. Swantz in Iramba

By: Marja-Liisa Swantz Research needs to become part of people’s everyday life in order to be meaningful to them. Participatory research with action with people helps them to think through their problems and their potentialities showing the ways they can be involved beyond the immediately obvious concerns and the integration of PAR into the political […]


Large Scale Change Action Research

By: Steve Waddell, Milla McLachlan, Greta Meszoely, Sandra Waddock The really big issues of today such as climate change, poverty, food security, sustainable energy are essentially big geographically – they’re part of globalization.  As “complex challenges”, these issues require an action research approach:  they require active engagement of stakeholders in the co-development of solutions, prototypes and […]