From the Editors’ desk: Creative tension between developmental reviews and the culture of rejections

So the conventional status quo goes something like this: the higher a rejection rate at a journal, the more exclusive it will appear.  If more exclusive, the perception of its value will increase. And the conventional action research logic goes something like: the more developmental a review reviewers give, the better the final manuscript will end up and the more likely […]


Why art? with guest blogger Victor Friedman

Why do I feel passionate about art and action research?  I have no  talent.  Drawing and painting never appealed to me.  I love to sing but cannot carry a tune.  My tuba teacher suggested that I join the swim team instead of the marching band.   Visits to art museums were  alienating  because I, quite literally  […]


From the Editors’ desk: Action research and Community Based Participatory Research

Multiple choice question: What is the relationship between Action Research and Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR)? Answers: A. The terms refer to the same phenomenon B. CBPR exists only in the healthcare domain C. Both are forms of participatory research D. Enough with the definitions already – do something useful with your community stakeholders! E. All answers […]