Action research makes sense, duh!

Just got back from a visit with the faculty of Royal Roads University in Victoria, B.C., Canada.  Set on one of the more lovely and unusual campus grounds I have seen (campus includes old growth rainforest, a gorgeous Japanese garden, a British castle and a lagoon!). Is this one of the few universities in the world that has the action research approach to knowledge creation “baked in” to all its programs? There are numerous professional schools and think tanks around the world that are oriented around action research. But a whole university http://research.royalroads.ca/research-action. It was a pleasure to convene a faculty “master class,” and to share our stories — aspirations and desperations — on the action research path.  As it was St Patrick’s day we shared “Blarney,” (stories) noticing what part of our story about action research with students and co-researchers is changing and what part remains the same.  I came away agreeing with one professor who said “I don’t even understand what makes action research so controversial in academia.  Creating knowledge and helping stakeholders – this just makes sense!” In the meantime we do our work at AR+ to  link together projects, findings and conversations around the globe that highlight the impact, relevance and value of action research.  Maybe in time many more institutional leaders will say “action research just makes sense, duh!”RRU_ActionResearchMasterClass

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