On this collaborative review forum we review new (and classic) action research materials. Cultivating the collaborative intent of action research means here that we invite comments on the reviews. We also invite you to review others of the multiplying resources in the field of action research. We hope this space is helpful for bringing awareness […]
Read More...Review of Gabriele Bammer, Ed. 2015. Change: Combining analytic wisdom with street wisdom. Australian National University Press. “Mom weren’t you just reading a book on Change?!” says my daughter as I complain to her that the traditional Halloween costume (in the county of my youth) is very different from her planned costume. “Hey Mom, things […]
Read More...Eros/Power: Love in the Spirit of Inquiry. Transforming how women and men relate. By Hilary Bradbury & Bill Torbert. 2016. Arizona: Integral Publishers. Available in paper or electronic form on Amazon. Praise From Around The Globe: “In sharing such intimate, personal narratives, Hilary and Bill undertake a conscious de-robing of themselves that is as risky […]
Read More...Janet Newbury reviews Etmanski, Hall, & Dawson. (Eds.). (2014). Learning and Teaching Community Based Research: Linking Pedagogy to Practice. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. In the foreword of this book, S. Martin Taylor says that its diversity is community based research’s (CBR’s) strength, “but so too is perhaps its weakness. So varied are […]