
Category Archives for "action research"

Crowdsourcing and Action Research. Fostering people’s participation in research through digital media.

By:  Chiara Certomà, Michel Pimbert Web 2.0, mobile applications, big-data systems, virtual environments and simulations, geographical information systems and social networks are nowadays affecting our way of understanding and acting in the real world. The way people cooperate with scientists in coding, decoding, recording, interpreting and transforming information through web 2.0 software and interactive technologies […]


La sistematización de experiencias

yo hablo espanol

By: Elza FonsecaFalkembach & Alfonso Torres Carrillo Resumen En el capítulo presentamos la sistematización de experiencias como práctica de investigativa participativa. A partir de dos trabajos realizados en Brasil y Colombia se exponenlos sentidos y características de este enfoque de investigación y sus operaciones metodológicas. Este modo de generar conocimiento, articuladoamovimientos sociales, se ubica en la tradición investigativa […]


Inquiry capabilities and preferences for navigating full cycle action research

‘I see where you’re coming from’ – By: Yoland Wadsworth In the following four vignettes are just some of the familiar challenges of attempting to inquire ‘full cycle’ together from ‘how things are’ to ‘how things could  be better’ to trialling, refining and ultimately routinizing practice in ‘how we now do things round here’, until the […]


Living the Lessons of Action: An interview with Patricia Maguire

Blog post by Julie Horwitz and Amy Howton Patricia Maguire inspires and challenges action researchers to create positive change.  This piece provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate her and renew our own passion for action research. Patricia Maguire is likely best known for her groundbreaking work in feminist participatory action research, when she boldly challenged […]


Participatory Action Research as a process of sharing life

Dr. Swantz in Iramba

By: Marja-Liisa Swantz Research needs to become part of people’s everyday life in order to be meaningful to them. Participatory research with action with people helps them to think through their problems and their potentialities showing the ways they can be involved beyond the immediately obvious concerns and the integration of PAR into the political […]