The Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change welcomes original contributions by January 15 2023

An invitation from our colleagues at the Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change. Note: Submissions to next issue by January 15th 2023…

“The Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change is an independent, open-source journal dedicated to:

  • Bridging research and practice, e.g. refining and critically reflecting the theoretical, conceptual and practical foundations of awareness-based systems change.
  • Linking inner and outer transformation as well as individual and collective transformation.
  • Further evolving (practical) knowing about, and how to promote “vertical literacy”, e.g. by explicating and reflecting on implicit as well as embodied and tacit levels of understanding about transformation processes.
  • Integrating multiple ways of knowing, such as 1st, 2nd and 3rd person methodologies, perspectives and epistemologies as they apply to social field change. 
  • Representing a broad range of voices, including those often marginalized in academia and the social system.
  • Co-evolving new methodologies which make visible and research deeper layers of social systems and help actualize their potentials, in
The Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change welcomes original contributions from across sectors and disciplines which include, but are not limited to, the fields of agriculture, anthropology, applied arts, cognition studies, collective trauma integration, complexity theory, consciousness studies, ecology, economics, (transformative and/or inclusive) education, feminist and queer studies, (human) geography, health (sciences), human development, indigenous studies, leadership & organizational studies, life sciences,  linguistics, postcolonial and critical sciences, peace and conflict studies, (transpersonal) psychology, and sustainable development.”