The Big Picture

Take a camera in your hand.

Zoom in and you can pick out the detailed pattern in the petal of a flower or record the arches in a tiny shell lying on the beach.

Zoom In flowers purple[1]


Zoom out and you see the way in which a newly plowed field opens up across the countryside or the play of waves across an expanse of beach.

Zoom out Precipice Walk[1]

Zoom out beach

We’ve spent the last four years zooming in on the details of the world of action research in all its variety, creativity, and depth as we worked together as editors of the SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research.  In this article we step back from that close up view to refocus our gaze on the larger world of action research and to consider what’s over the horizon.

The process of putting this project together involved action researchers from around the globe and we are so grateful to everyone for their contributions.   Their efforts reflect the commitment and collaborative nature of action research.  The Encyclopedia is one way of bringing us all together…the Action Research journal is another…and the AR+ site and this blog are as well.  We hope you enjoy the article and the two upcoming articles in this series by Davydd Greenwood and Bob Dick.  And we look forward to hearing your comments and reflections on how to continue to build this network and deepen our shared practice.

Mary Brydon-Miller and David Coghlan

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Listen to David talk about it here!

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