Review of Bradbury’s How to do Action Research for Transformations by Kent Glenzer with curated sounds

Kent Glenzer, accompanied by a specially curated song track, offers a book review…

“I reviewed a book for the latest edition of ARJ (Issue 4, 2022).  And it’s a mindfuck.  Everybody who is concerned about planetary well-being in the next 300 years – economists, black and brown people, white people in the global north, members of the international development industrial complex, political scientists, agronomists, health professionals, gender justice advocates, migration proponents, human rights fosterers, politicians, NGOs, private sector companies, bureaucrats – will find something to hate. 

Maybe, just maybe…once they get beyond that…to love.” 

The book Kent reviewed is Bradbury, 2022 How to do Action Research for Transformations.  Elgar Publications…

The ARJ forever link:

Kent’s Soundtrack:

A review of the same book by Prof. Norma Romm is published in Journal of Awareness Based Systems Change

Details on the book and how to purchase a copy:


Action Research Book