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Articles on action research in healthcare  - also called co-production in the Nordic world - is transforming the healthcare system in order to make it more patient centered, equal and also more cost efficient. The articles  range from involving patients more in decision-making to fixing inequality in maternal care among marginalized populations. 


Health and healthcare as the context for participatory action research
Participatory action research (PAR) is a social, practical and collaborative process in which the building of relationships with participants is[...]
Participatory action research to enhance the collective involvement of residents in elderly care: About power, dialogue and understanding
The collective involvement of patients and clients in health care organizations is valued in our Western society. In practice, giving[...]
Using photovoice to reflect on poverty and address social inequalities among primary care teams
A participatory action research project using photovoice was developed in partnership with an international community organization working to overcome poverty.[...]
An Indigenous and Western paradigm to understand gestational diabetes mellitus: Reflections and insights
Indigenous women face many barriers to maternal care during pregnancy in Canada. A participatory study was conducted in two First[...]
Patient involvement in the development of the Danish surgical breast cancer patient pathway – An action research project
Although patient involvement is on the political agenda, the influence on clinical practice is poorly described. The aim of this[...]
“Power-with” structures in complex healthcare systems: Gladys Yinusa Interviews Hilary Bradbury  “Action researching means we’re reflecting together. We’re bringing stakeholders into inquiry for change to their own experience. In the[...]
Indigenous methodologies and ART by Joanne Whitty-Rogers.
Early in her nursing career, Joanne Whitty-Rogers, RN, PhD, a Senior Research Professor at St. Francis Xavier University, observed that[...]
Breast cancer patient pathways to healing
Action Researchers Annette Zøylner and colleagues have been co-researching with breast cancer patients and their relatives. They are finding more[...]
Promoting Partnership Between a Social Work Team and Mothers of Children with Hemophilia
Blog post written by Yang Jing “He used all the paper tissue, sheets and anything he could find to stop[...]
Action Research as sustainable healthcare quality improvement: Advances in neonatal care emphasizing collaboration, communication, and empowerment
Blog post written by Carlien Van Heerden We are passionate about survival and quality of life of the vulnerable newborn[...]
From Cocoon to Butterfly: Use of Cooperative Inquiry Groups to Empower Practitioners in Healthcare Contexts
Blogpost by Sarah Donnelly and Sarah Morton Consider the analogy of a butterfly inside its cocoon. When we see a butterfly[...]
Co-production: healthcare and participative action research
Co-production: a practice of "with-nessing" between healthcare professionals and patients Are you a Physician who is learning to lead transformational[...]
Peer Researchers in Post-Professional Healthcare
Blog post by Andrew Eaton Peer researchers are people who represent a research project’s participants (such as people living with[...]
Co-research with people living with dementia for change
Abstract provided on behalf of the authors,  Jim Mann, Lillian Hung Research about patients with dementia in the context of acute[...]
Hermosa Vida and increasing connectedness through community health partnerships
Partnerships with different organizations can be enticing when we -- social justice activists and researchers – plan how to reduce[...]
Action research with street-based sex workers
By Marta Graça Some years ago, during my trainee as a social worker, I worked in harm reduction with sex workers[...]
“Difficult paths can be less difficult if patients and nurses walk together…”
This research emerged from the need of a group of nurses in improving the care of people with chronic disease,[...]
Is it a Touch of Sugar?
In 2010 eight Guyanese expatriate women living with diabetes came together in a participatory action research study.  They and relatives[...]
Designing healthcare in collaboration
Healthcare systems of today face many challenges. At the core of these stands the care systems’ capability to improve or[...]
How being appreciative creates change – theory in practice from health and social care in Scotland
Appreciative Inquiry has been readily caricatured as slavishly focusing on the positive. Here we invite you to revisit it in[...]
Partner development praxis: The use of transformative communication spaces in a community-academic participatory action research effort in a Mexican ethnic enclave in Chicago
“It’s about changing the way we DO public health” explained a community partner in describing the Little Village Participatory Community Health[...]
Giving ‘power to the people’ in a Nigerian hospital: From evaluation OVER to evaluation WITH stakeholders
Giving ‘power to the people’ in a Nigerian hospital: From evaluation over to evaluation with stakeholders This paper is a[...]
What stories to tell? Knowledge exchange in CBPR
Researchers in the field of Aboriginal health generally have a keen interest in ‘participating in change’ to address the ongoing[...]
Health Companion Project: A community-based participatory research model for health promotion in Iran
"This paper addresses the great potential of using CBPR for health promotion, inspired by experiences from Iran. The case presents[...]
Action research for multi-level facilitation of improvement in health and social care: Development of a change facilitation approach for a local R&D unit

This paper reports an action research program designed to develop new approaches for a locally based Swedish R&D unit’s task to facilitate improvement in partner organizations, and to provide guidance on how to manage challenges in action research programs focusing on development in health and social care.

Empowering nurses through action research for developing a new nursing handover program in a pediatric ward in Iran
Developing a new nursing handover program in a pediatric ward in Iran focused on the handing over of patient information among nurses between shifts. The participants in the action research, (12 nurses, 2 assistants, a head nurse, with academic researchers as facilitators), reached a significant decrease in time and cost of nursing handover.
Participatory design in education materials in a health care context
Blog post by Svante Lifvergren on behalf of Frida Smith, Catarina Wallengren, and Joakim Öhlén A growing set of evidence shows[...]
Developing learning diaries for action research on healthcare management in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda
Abstract on behalf of Comfort Mshelia, Gillian Lê, Tolib Mirzoev, Samuel Amon, Ambrose Kessy, Sebastian Olikira Baine, and Reinhard Huss Action research (AR) can be an[...]
Active Ageing in the nursing home: could participatory action research provide the answer?
Dr. Svante Lifvergren writes of our work, ""An ageing population with more citizens suffering from multiple diseases is putting increasing[...]
Using appreciative participatory action research to guide culture change work in community and long-term care
Blog post by Janet KL McKeown for the article by Janet KL McKeown, Darla Fortune, and Sherry Dupuis How can appreciative Participatory[...]
“A Child a Tree”: Challenges in building collaborative relations in a community research project in a Kenyan context
Blog post by Beth Maina Ahlberg As the Gīkūyū African proverb goes: “Many people together lift up the Ndīrī” (a[...]
Participatory action research: A strategy for improving self-care management in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
Blog post by Miguel Padilha Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of death and morbidity[...]
A wing of a butterfly Insider Action research as an approach and a method – exploring institutional encounters from within a birthing context
Blog post by Viola Nyman   A wing of a butterfly Insider Action research as an approach and a method[...]
Key Theoretical Distinctions in Community-based Health Interventions
Blog Post by Berkeley Franz Blog for the article: Key Theoretical Distinctions in Community-based Health Interventions Authors: John W. Murphy,[...]
Insider action research and the microsystem of a Danish surgical ward
This paper accounts for a complex AR process that seeks to improve the care for patients in a surgical ward. The paper gives a detailed description of the process, using a mixed methods approach to involve various stakeholders in a participative process that aims at improving care safety for patients at the ward. Thus, the insights from the case should eventually be transferrable to other contexts dealing with similar issues.
DIYbio and Action Research
Blog post by Stefano Golinelli Do-it-yourself biology (DIYbio), or biohacking, refers to a set of techniques used to transform biotechnological[...]
: Key Theoretical Distinctions in Community-based Health Interventions
Blog post by Berkeley Franz             Community-based health projects have become quite popular as a means to[...]
A Participatory Action Approach for Client-centered Health Insurance
Blog post by Christine Fenenga Health insurance is a pivotal means to the development of an equitable care system. The[...]
Challenging power dynamics between service providers and service users via Personal Budgets
Blog post by Graham R. Williamson Previous research points to the importance of supporting mental-health service users to help them[...]
Engaging in community conversation: A means to improving the paramedic student clinical placement experience.
Blog post by Helen Hickson Dr. Svante Lifvergren wrote about our work saying, "Prospering AR processes always entail practices to involve[...]
Natya yoga therapy: Using movement and music to create meditative relief in schizophrenia
Blog post written by Aparna Ramaswamy A person diagnosed with schizophrenia asked me: “How do you know that my visions[...]
Addressing health inequities through social inclusion: The role of community organizations
by Lynne Belle-Isle I wrote the first thoughts for this paper as part of a required assignment for a sociology[...]
Older women and chronic illness: Transitioning and learning to live with diabetes
The number of people with chronic conditions continues to grow; yet research often focuses on the medical aspects of care[...]
Can Migraine Management be Action Research?
Some people might think Larry Smarr is crazy. After collecting enormous amounts of data, Larry arrived at his physician’s office[...]
Does the “community” really have voice? – Deb Dole
The business of health care has effectively muffled, if not silenced the voice of communities. The real needs of communities[...]
Health policy how is it directed – Bernard Young
Recent events of health care reform have put a spotlight on the political aspects of health policy development on the[...]