DRAFT AGENDA: ARJ Associate Editors Board Meeting July 21. From Editor in Chief, Hilary.

This weeks blog shares the draft agenda for next week’s ARJ Assoc. Ed Board meeting.
Thought on “future items” or additional new agenda items are welcome!

A. Check in (i.e., all are invited to share “where we each are” – geographically, professionally, emotionally…and anything else we want to share, especially as it related to ARJ).

a. Introduction of Cher Henricks, West Georgia.

B. Agenda Items for discussion and/or action

a. Review minutes from last call and whatever follow ups as needed

b. Update from the EIC desk

c. Social connectivity efforts (Facebook/blog): Mary, Meghna, Hilary

d. IRB and AR

e. Special Issues:

i. On working with Guest Editors for Special Issues: Davydd Greenwood

ii. Mary Brydon Miller on Action Research and the Arts.

iii. Marianne Kristiansen on Power

iv. Lai Fong Chui on Healthcare

v. Patricia Gaya Wicks on Dissertations as AR Contributions

f. Continuous Quality Improvement: Victor Friedman (30 mins)

D. Future Agenda Items/requests.

E. Check out on next steps

F. Adjourn

Call in: 1-219-509-8222 : 265513#. 6.30 AM PT.