Community Gathering 2019

Current Members of AR+
Register here if your organization is a current AR+ member -i.e., your organizational logo is on our knowledge democracy action page.
Contribution is $350
(includes up to 2 participants)
AR+ Transformations Community Founders
Represent your community at this community organizing event. Continuity in our effort is key. Funds left over from the event will seed our new community's development around priority activities we determine together.
We encourage you to have (at no extra cost) additional colleagues to attend by video - to help build your "home" community.
Contribution is $995
(includes up to 2 participants)
You see value in joining the community but do not (yet) have organizational support. We see value in having you with us as we don't quite know what is the requisite mix needed for our new community. Come join us!
Contribution is $590
(numbers are limited)
(numbers are limited)
Live Video & Recorded Materials
Attend the live daily community reflection meetings at start and/or close of our days by video conference. Those choosing this option will also have access to all shareable materials from the conference including recordings. Think of this as an experiment in "tele-dialogue."
Note: Our gathering happens in CET (Swedish) timezone.
Contribution is $195
Free Pre-Gathering Webinars
We have four free webinars in January and February 2019 to help us warm up for the AR+Transformations Gathering.
Each webinar starts at 08.00am PT/11am ET/4pm UK/5pm CET. 75 minutes.
- Jan. 16. Transformation & Action Research. Discuss the challenges, the politics, the promise with lead discussant: Dr. Million Belay.
- Jan. 30th. #MeThree: Discuss how we invite historically marginalized and/or suppressed voices of experience (including our own) into collaborative action with lead discussant: Dr. Jean Hartmann.
- Feb 13th. Discuss Large Scale Action Research Transformational Challenges with lead discussant: Dr. Derk Loorbach.
- Feb 27th. GULP – Global Unifying Learning Program. Discuss a transformational global “sandbox” experiment that brings action researchers to sustainability challenges (SDG goals). Lead discussants: Drs. Hilary Bradbury & Steve Waddell.
Interested? Register now!
Expect the video link 48 hours in advance of each webinar.
All Are Welcome. Registration is FREE!