Collaborative analytic autoethnography in action research

Blog post by Sandra Acosta

My co-authors and I hope that you will consider organizing a CAAE group (or begin on your own). The promise of action research is the generating of practical knowledge through awareness and reflective action. Moreover, as practitioner-autoethnographers moving through these action cycles using CAAE, you will investigate the dissonance and consonance of your professional and personal identities and evaluate their fit. Additionally, we encourage you to examine the power structures within which your practices are embedded to gain insights into the systems, contexts and potential origins of your individual and professional beliefs and perspectives.

CAAE, as an action research approach, builds understanding of social relationships and of how knowledge is negotiated through social networks, while improving our awareness of the complex systems within the workplace. By analyzing the themes that we glean from a CAAE we become better situated to make sense of our practice in the past, present and potential future.

As you read our article on CAAE in action research, please share your experiences, insights, and ideas about CAAE as an action research methodology. We would love to learn from you!Acosta_image copy

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After you’ve had a chance to read this piece, please share your thoughts, ideas, or experiences with our community so we can continue this discussion! The AR+ site is hosting a discussion forum for us to talk about our reactions and experiences related this topic. You can access the discussion forum HERE.

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Geist-Martin, P., Ray, E. B., & Sharf, B. F. (2011). Communicating health: Personal, cultural, and political complexities. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.