
Category Archives for "AR Meetings"

Investigación acción participativa y procesos de reconciliación: el retorno de las brujas.

La Conferencia ARNA de 2018 está cerca y promete ser un gran evento, un lugar en tiempo y espacio para compartir preguntas, respuestas, sueños, experiencias… La Conferencia será en la Universidad de California, San Diego y el tema es: Movilización del conocimiento para un progreso social equitativo y pacífico. Junio 28-30, 2018. Está abierta la […]


Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) Annual Conference: San Diego June 28-30, 2018

ARNA’s 6th Annual Conference ( June 28-30, 2018 University of California San Diego Call For Abstracts Deadline Extended – April 22nd 2018 Conference Theme: Knowledge Mobilization for Equitable and Peaceful Social Progress We invite action researchers, community activists, practitioners in education, healthcare, and human services, youth workers, culture workers, university faculty and students, and interested […]


AR+ ‘action conference’ March 8-10, 2019 at Chalmers University, Gothenburg Sweden.

Where will you be on Women’s Day 2019? All AR+ community members and all who do action oriented research are invited to save the date. We will convene for our first  AR+ Gathering on March 8-10 2019 at Chalmers University, Gothenburg Sweden.  One minute invitation taster video here. Register here: A team is designing the program […]


Action Research Workshop at the Climate Change Transformations Conference

Becoming woke as a scholar?! Seeking sustainable impact with your knowledge contributions? Learn about participative knowledge creation and action research, including the politics of participation! The Action Research workshop at the Climate Change Transformations conference, in Dundee on August 29th will be led by leading action researchers, Hilary Bradbury and Steve Waddell. It is designed […]