
Category Archives for "Interview"

“Power-with” structures in complex healthcare systems: Gladys Yinusa Interviews Hilary Bradbury

 “Action researching means we’re reflecting together. We’re bringing stakeholders into inquiry for change to their own experience. In the healthcare world it is not just because we respect patients that we include them. Although that is true. It is also because we end up with better information when there are more eyes, more hearts and […]


Social Constructivist Practice and ART. Hilary Bradbury and Ken Gergen talk.

A new Handbook of Constructivist Practice has arrived.   And with it a dialogue sponsored by the Taos Institute in which authors  chat together about their work.  Ken Gergen, a luminary in the field of social science, frames the value of having this new book by reminding us that the experimental approach of empiricism is now […]