
Category Archives for "AR Practice"

Alphabet Soup, Community Health and Capacity Building – Deb Dole

AR, PAR, PR, CBPR, CBR – The letters and words we use to describe the process and practice of participation and action sometimes appear as a secret language code created by and for the select and privileged. The parrallel threads of action and participation cross at multiple points along the contimuum of engaged scholarship that […]


AR and Qualitative Research – The Welcoming of Photovoice

This week I had attended the 22nd Annual Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Conference, which is why my post is a few days late.  The conference has me reflecting on many areas of research and publication such as generalizabilty, limitations, and the intersection of theory and research. I definitely have my wheels turning about future research […]


AR and CBPR in Clinical Trials – Bernard Young

There has been a growing interest in coupling AR, CBPR and Clinical Trials. This desire has been a respond to the need to improve diversity in clinical trial participation and to addressing the ethical issues of appropriately informing and educating the public when soliciting participants. Clinical trials that incorporate AR and CBPR models reduce power […]