
Category Archives for "AR in Words and Images"

Getting Existential IS the creative path to life. Hilary Bradbury on developmentalist conversation

We’d convened for months. And then came our final Constructivist Adult Development coLAB session AKA From Chopsticks to Tchaikovsky: Developing repertoire for personal and systems resilience at a time of planetary crisis. What had we learned, what were the gifts, what’s next? For me it continued the inquiry into how to live in the midst […]


Quality in sustaining action research. Yes/And with Marina Apgar

In this Yes/And interview Hilary Bradbury talks with fellow action researcher Dr. Marina Apgar about quality in action research. Marina works at the Institute for Development Studies at U. Sussex in UK and is also an associate editor at Action Research journal. In the interview we aim to bring alive the quality choicepoints for the […]


Tilting at Windmills Part 1: A metamodernist odyssey through Spain at a time of climate and other eco-social crises.

A summertime blog by Hilary Bradbury  We left Ireland, late one Friday night in mid June, en route first to Barcelona by ferry and electric vehicle. The ferry docked on Sunday morning in the port of Bilboa.  The call to my voyage was the invitation to give a keynote lecture on transformative action methodology at […]


Mycelium dreams by Freek Sanders Poet Laureate helps kick off 2024 at AR+

We get to have our own Poet Laureate at AR+, woohoo! Freek Sanders  from the Netherlands, read his poem Mycelium Dreams in our kick off to 2024 organizing meeting. Video snippet below. Freek (pronounced in the Dutch way as “Frake”) calls fellow ARTists “unelected representatives” of the future. We’ll take that. He also refers to […]

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