AR+ is Top 10 Transformation Initiative

A crowning achievement

There are thousands – and counting – of transformation initiatives around the world. Each in their way contributing to a transformation mission at this time of escalating eco-social crisis. Australian Integral Design, led by Susanna Carman, studies these efforts. They are driven by researchers, educators, coaches and mentors, and by entrepreneurs, social innovators and regular folks who care.

The list highlights initiatives that “are entering systems via access points where they are uniquely positioned for generating scalable, world wide opportunities for positive change.”

AR+ Foundation finds itself on the same list between, ahem, the Obama Foundation (OMG!) and the Carnegie Melon Transition Design PhD. Yikes. We love this list…and not just for the obvious reason of being included on it!  The top 10, 2019 picks for learning and growth initiatives are at this link.

Thanks for the inspiration!!