4 preGathering zoominars

4 pre-Gathering zoominars in January and February 2021 will tease out key themes to center the call to practice in reflexive learning communities at a time of eco-social crisis.
Each themed session includes a plenary conversation, small breakouts and a taste of ARTist practice. 
  1. Courageous use of the arts in/for political ART.Conversation starter:  Dr. Miren Larrea. Tuesday, January. 26th. UTC 20.00/ Noon San Francisco/07.00 Sydney +1. 55 mins. See Miren’s digestif with video clip.
  2. Re-storying ourselves for a life enhancing world. Conversation starters: Dr. Chris Reidy – Tuesday February 9th. UTC 20.00/ Noon San Francisco/07.00 Sydney +1. 55 mins.
  3. Practicing developmental-reflexive friendship. Conversation starter:  Dr. Bill Torbert. February Wed. 24th UTC 20.00/ Noon San Francisco/07.00 Sydney +1. 55 mins.
  4. Beyond Binaries: Charting New Frontiers for the Feminine and Masculine. Conversation starter:  Lara Catone. – March Tue. 2nd UTC 20.00/ Noon San Francisco/07.00 Sydney +1. 55 mins.

Having warmed up, the themes will evolve in the Gathering itself. The program for which is available – with updates from the design team – at the registration page.

Logistics: To attend the preGathering, register for the Gathering. All registered for the Gathering will receive logistics for joining the pre-Gathering zoominars.